
Microbiology of Drinking Water – Part 9

With thanks to Deborah Charles (Public Health Wales, Microbiology Cardiff) for reporting that the Microbiology of Drinking Water Part 9 was missing from the Microbiology MODW Series Method Page. Methods for the isolation and enumeration of Salmonella and Shigella by selective enrichment, membrane filtration and multiple tube-most probable number techniques is now back in the table. Download Here!


The Microbiology of Drinking Water – Part 6

Thank you to Wendy Symonds (Northern Hygiene Laboratories Ltd) and Alannah Leanard (Complete Laboratory Solutions) for bringing to our attention that we hadn’t quite reviewed all the dates correctly in the 2020 version of this publication. Furthermore, we can confirm that the only material change for this method is the change from Columbia Blood Agar to Columbia Agar. Download here!


The Microbiology of Drinking Water – Part 6

With thanks to Ruair McHugh and Robyn Reddington of Complete Laboratory Solutions for noticing an error in the 2015 publication of Part 6 -Methods for the isolation and enumeration of sulphite-reducing clostridia and Clostridium perfringens by membrane filtration from our Microbiology of Drinking Water series. The agar cited in the 2015 revision (Columbia Blood Agar) should have been Columbia agar as it had been in our 2010 publication of the same. Download here!


The Identification of Microorganisms using MALDI-TOF Mass Spectrometry (2020)

With thanks to Everyone who contributed to our first blue book for the Identification of Microorganisms using MALDI-TOF Mass Spectrometry. A fantiastic and innovative way to more reliably determine the identity of microorganisms isolated by culture methods. Download here!

Standing Committee of Analysts Post

Methods for the Examination of Waters and Associated Materials – The Quantification of Asbestos in Soil (2017)

The Quantification of Asbestos in Soil (2017) (Blue Book No. 256) has been withdrawn from publication because it was the view of the Standing Committee of Analysts that it was no longer fit for purpose.


Methods for the Examination of Waters and Associated Materials – Part 2

Thank you to Everyone who contributed to the 2020 revision of our blue book for the determination of Legionella bacteria in water samples by culture method. Download here!


The Microbiology of Drinking Water – Part 7

The Microbiology of Drinking Water – Part 7 – Methods for the enumeration of heterotrophic bacteria (2020) was revised to include a validated extension to the 20 minute time limit for adding agar to the sample. Download here!